Writing Student Assignments
Assignments are the tasks given to students by their teachers and tutors to complete in a defined time. They can also be referred to as the work given to someone as a part of learning. Assignments can be in the form of written, practical or even online.This feature of erudex helps the Students to complete the work assigned by the teachers, it contains objective or subjective based questions.
How to access assignments
Login to your Erudex Student Account using user credentials
Select the Assignments icon from the side menu
Select the curriculum, grade and subject you want to start the assignment
Select the available tab
click on start option on right side from the available assignments
Attaching the Assignment Files
5. You need to write the response and you can also add attachments by clicking on add attachments (attachments can be pdf or image files that support the assignments not more than 5 files).
Submitting the Assignment
6. Once all the attachments are added click on the submit button
Checking the Student Assignment Grade
Login to your Erudex Student Account
Select the Assignments icon from the side menu
Select the curriculum, grade and subject you want to start the assignment
Once the subject is selected, click on start option on right side from the available assignments
A pop up window will be opened in that you need to write the response and you can also add attachments by clicking on add attachments (attachments can be pdf or image files that support the assignments not more than 5 files).
Once all the attachments are added click on the submit button
Click on the completed section on the right side and click on the view option
8. Students will receive a pop-up with Scores and feedback